About Me



As you can probably tell from the design choices made on this website, I'm not a big fan of being "flashy" and actually quite introverted in real life.

Most of what I try and do in the short and long term is focused around one mission statement, or really just a guiding principle:

Make things work better.

There's a little bit of a deeper meaning behind those four words, like how "better" means improving what already exists rather than reinventing the wheel. I try to reflect on it regularly and it seems to be working well so far.

Currently Working On

The big-ticket item in my life is a BS Degree in Supply Chain Management from RIT, with graduation expected in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. Like most programs at RIT, a co-op (paid internship) is required, and I am currently at D3 Engineering in the Manufacturing Operations department this spring and summer. At D3, my work focuses on improving supply chain operations and reducing inventory turnover as the company grows beyond design services into additional manufacturing capabilities.

Outside of the 9-5, a portion of my time each week goes to the Institute for Youth in Policy (YIP), where I currently serve as Chief Operations Officer and have been involved since June 2021. My work at YIP focuses on two main areas:

  1. Overseeing all "non-impact" activities — think HR, Finance, Technology, etc. This always is a balancing act between providing excellent internal support and ensuring that the majority of our resources go towards impact, not administration.
  2. Building out and maintaining workflows, such as a process to report monthly progress across 25 subdepartments in a fully remote operating environment.

There's a lot of numbers that can quantify the impact YIP has had (and a few of them are impressive) but for me, our greatest impact is on the micro, not macro level: with every student that matriculates through our programs and onto favorable outcomes, the web of problems surrounding civics and politics becomes a little easier to untangle.

Other Side Projects & Commitments

  • Student Employment on-campus at the RIT Center for Campus Life, specializing in club and student organization support. Student resources available here

Website Pages

A page on taxes